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Considering A Grassland-Style Nature Strip pt2.

Part 2: The Game Plan for Your Pocket Grassland.

In Part 1, we embarked on a journey to discover the beauty and benefits of transforming your conventional nature strip into a thriving grassland-style garden. Now, let's delve deeper into the practical aspects of creating a pocket grassland, one step at a time. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a complete novice, there's a place for you in the custodianship of our land.

Start Small: Your Nature Strip as a Canvas

While I transformed my entire front garden, including the nature strip, it's important to note that you don't have to go big right away. The nature strip is a perfect place to start your experiment. It's small, narrow, and offers an excellent opportunity to test what works best and discover your personal preferences. As landowners or even renters, we are all stewards of the land beneath our feet. Even dedicating a small corner to wildflowers and grasses can make a significant impact in supporting local wildlife. Do we truly need all that lawn, or can we return a bit of it to nature? The answer, I believe, is a resounding yes.

The Game Plan for Your Pocket Grassland

To get started on your pocket grassland project, consider the following tips and guidelines:

1. **Know Your Locals**: Get familiar with the native species that thrive in your local area. Take notes and snap photos when you're out and about in nature. Don't hesitate to ask questions, as none of us were born experts in this field. Online forums and groups like Gardens for Wildlife Victoria and Wyndham Wildlife Gardens can be valuable resources. Also, connect with local environmental organisations and, when possible, participate in revegetation projects. These events are attended by knowledgeable individuals who can offer guidance.

2. **Keep It Cohesive**: For a harmonious look that won't overwhelm the space, limit your plant palette to around six species. This could include two native grasses and four wildflowers. Opt for shorter varieties (under 1 meter) and plants that clump rather than spread aggressively. Avoid selecting species that might become bullies, such as Austral Storks-bill (Pelargonium australe), as they tend to take over small areas and self-sow prolifically. Aim for a succession of blooms to provide ongoing interest and support local pollinators.

3. **Source Wisely**: Finding the right plants for your pocket grassland is crucial. Seek out specialised online sources or, even better, locate a local native plant nursery that grows plants from local indigenous seeds. This ensures that the plant species you introduce are well-suited to your specific environment and will thrive in the long run.


Creating a pocket grassland on your nature strip is not just about beautifying your surroundings; it's about making a positive impact on the environment and nurturing local wildlife. Remember, you don't have to tackle the entire front garden at once; starting small with your nature strip is an excellent way to experiment and find your groove.

By getting to know your local species, reaching out to knowledgeable individuals and organisations, and selecting the right plant palette, you'll be well on your way to crafting a beautiful and ecologically significant space. Stay tuned for Part 3, where we'll delve into the process of creating a habitat garden and explore how to attract and support diverse wildlife right in your own backyard.

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