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Our Story

   Restoring one property at at time   

As a result of many years working in ecosystem restoration and conservation revegetation not to mention the passion of indigenous plant propagation and seed collection, David the founder at Seed 2 Leaves and the team are able to offer extensive knowledge and experience in providing plants for successful revegetation and conservation projects.

Seed 2 Leaves proudly supports and works closely with the community, land owners and managers, as well as many various not for profit environmental organizations. 


Seed 2 Leaves have grown from the love of the outdoors and the love of Australia's plants in particular the Victorian Volcanic Plains. This ignited the passion to help with the conservation of these critically endangered ecosystems and some of Victoria's amazing flora. Through the ever-increasing expansion of urban areas, we have seen the rapid decline of many of our natural ecosystems and sadly many of them have become fragmented and mosaic with poor functionality. 






 Not all is lost and a simple action can have huge impacts, connectivity is the key! by planting indiginous plants in your garden or turning your nature strip into its….well namesake and by supporting the community with the tools to connect these ecosystems, our natural environment not only can be preserved but flourish for many generations to come through habitat gardens, bio-links and most importantly a greater understanding about our precious environment. 


We understand that no one was born knowing and indigenous plant knowledge, uses and ecological values have been built up over many years, so we have taken some of the hard work out of it by providing extensive user-friendly information on our website. 


There is an energy that you get when first light hits the morning sky, your tent is filled with the morning chatter of bird ballads of the Australian bush, you crawl out of your tent you stand, stretch while breathing in the plants essence with your feet naked on gaia your body recharging its chi for the day. My walking poles are extended and the backpack on the track is enticing me framed by nature's beauty, biodiversity at its best! 

“This is why I do what I do”. David Tsardakis. Founder of Seed 2 Leaves





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